Cresthill Academy Bilingual Preschool
Our Mandarin Bilingual Preschool is a highly interactive Mandarin exploration program for Pre-K2.5 and up students. This program offers a fun, meaningful, engaging, and theme-based learning experience, focusing on listening and speaking communication skills. Students will acquire the Mandarin language and culture through tasks, hands-on activities, songs, rhymes, and games within the ACTFL (The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) framework.
In our Mandarin Bilingual Preschool, students will spend 3 hours of their time learning in Mandarin and rest of their time learning in English.
What is Mandarin Bilingual?
A Mandarin Bilingual program involves the use of two languages (English and Mandarin) as the medium for instruction for academic content for the school day. The goal of the program is to:
develop students' literacy skills in English and Mandarin,
develop students' intercultural competence and finally academic performance in both areas.
Why Us?
At Mandarin Bilingual Preschool, we recognize the value of having a first and second language and how bilingualism offers a lifetime of benefits to your child in our increasingly interconnected world.
Integrated Curriculum: Our curriculum is based on a clear, logical view of how new material builds on previous material and what progression in Mandarin looks like.
Successful Training System: Our dedicated teachers receive ongoing training by curriculum specialists to ensure effective and consistent teaching standards.
Holistic Learning: At the Pre-K2.5 and up levels, students engage in fun theme-based lessons, while our Kindergarten lessons encourage literacy learning through STEM.
Parent-Teacher Communication: We strive to build strong parent partnerships and provide resources for continued learning at home.
We offer our Mandarin Bilingual program at two locations:
Hoboken Uptown
(1330 Sinatra Drive,
Hoboken, NJ)
Hoboken South
(112 Sinatra Drive,
Hoboken, NJ)
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